Thursday, June 10, 2010

Whirlwind of deep emotions....

This weekend in Redding CA is the American Cancer Society, Relay for Life. It is a time to honor those who are Celebrating another birthday, taking a moment of remembrance of those who have lost their gentle lives to cancer, and fighting back with those who are battling this awful disease.

I had cancer just two short months ago. Cancer!! The word no one wants to hear in their lifetime. I am so heartbroken right now. I am in lost words of emotion right now!! Walking a Relay in support of those is such an invirgorating feeling. Being a 1st time Survivor to cancer, it is such a different feeling now. There will be so many survivors walking the Survivor Lap. I will be walking with so many survivors, but I will be walking it alone!? So many thoughts are going through my mind. I wish my brother was along side me as my dad too. But I know the track is bigger, and it is too much for my daddy. I know I have to be strong for this event, and I will certainly try to be just that....I know John will be with me looking down on me from Heaven. And I know I have my dad's support. My little sisters and mother will be there for me as well. It is just a different side of the fence now.

So emotional for me and this weekend will be unforgettable for sure....

1 comment:

  1. Walking as a Survivor is certainly a different sense of support for the many that have lost their battle or are continuing their fight. Just remember that your 'network' of followers (acknowledged or not) will be with you in your heart and in Spirit.

    Take the flags sister... then your family will all be there, as we are encompassed into them... We have your back sis... :)
